Senin, 09 Januari 2012


Microsoft Office Marketplace logo Mt. Lawu (3.265 m)
EidelweisWith beautiful Eidelweiss flowers on its top
Many mountaineers climb this mountain to adore the green scenic view, with lovely Edelweiss flowers on its top, and the challenging beauty of the dead crater, southward of the peak, locally known as Kawah Kuning (yellow crater). The highest peak is hilly plain, known as Argo Dumilah, where a "Tri-angular Pole" is erected.
The mountaineering routes to Mt. Lawu
  1. From the city of Solo or Surakarta
    Travel to Tawangmangu, a hilly resort (1305 m high), 40 Km East of Solo. Then continue further 1,5 Km to Cemoro Kandang (Central Java) or Cemoro Sewu (East Java) (1600 M).
  2. From East Java, Madiun
    Travel to Lake Resort Sarangan, on the east slope of the mountain and then continue to Cemoro Sewu. Mt. Lawu stands peacefully in the South border of central and East Java.
Crater Triangular 
From Cemoro Kandang
  1. It’s 12 Km climb, normally it should take 7 hours walk.
  2. There’s a registration station belonged to Forest Authority (Perhutani). Guide, supplies and information are available. For traditional stories of Mt. Lawu, Pak (Mr) Sumarsono can be contacted.
  3. A climber shall walk thru dense wood, near the top, the vegetation are rare, then some specific mountain trees and bushes such as Santigi and Eidelweiss appear.
  4. There are satisfactorily 5 huts (5 Pos), namely:
    • Pos 1 : Taman Sari Bawah (Lower Garden) (2300 M)
      The water of the river here contains sulphur.
    • Pos 2 : Taman Sari Atas (Upper Garden – 2.470 M).
      A fresh cool air amidst the green trees. There is an active crater, evaporating sulphur.
    • Pos 3 : 2760 M (Pos Penggik)
      Nearby a spring, by the name of Sendang Panguripan (life spring), producing a cool healthy drinking water.
    • Pos 4 : 3025 M
      This location is named Cokro Suryo, it is a large plain to enjoy the sunset and the picturesque panorama.
    • Pos 5 : 3150 M
  5. Above these huts, there are

  1. Pesanggrahan Argo Dalem (3170 M), small cottages.
  2. The highest peak: Argo Dumilah
From Cemoro Sewu
  1. It’s 9 Km climb, with steep stony path.
  2. There are 5 huts to the top.
  3. Contact Ibu (Mrs) Warno at the base camp. Guide, supplies etc are available.

The return journey to the base camp, one shall spend around 4 hours walk. Ancient Mountain
Its old name was Wukir Mahendra, some believe the top of the mountain was the first kingdom on the island, the dwellers were Gods descending from Kahyangan (heaven), upon seeing an empty beautiful place like a paradise.
It was the retreat of King Brawijaya V, the last king of Majapahit Empire in the 15th century. It has also a strong spiritual traditional relation with the rulers of Mataram Kingdom II and the Karaton (palace) of Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
Supernatural Tourism
Mt. Lawu has a strong power to attract supernatural tourists. Places considered as sacred for pilgrimage among other, are:
WellSendang Panguripan (life spring, nearby Pos 3).
With holy water.

Sumur Jolotundo
About 1 hour walk from Argo Dalem, a good place for meditation. It’s a 5 m deep cave, there is light only during the day.

Gua Sigolo-Golo
Nearby Jolotundo, it’s also a favorite place to meditate.

SpringSendang Drajad
A spring nearby Argo Dalem cottages, contains holy water.

Argo Dalem
It was the place of King Brawijaya V or Eyang (grand-father) Sunan Lawu. The pilgrims pray here to God Almighty.

Argo Dumilah
The highest peak. There are several huts nearby, used by the pilgrims to achieve their holy goals. 

Argo Dalem
source :

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